

Weekly update : As solar targets become larger, the spotlight turns on policy delivery

07 October 2014 | BRIDGE TO INDIA

Several new announcements at the central and state level are creating a lot of excitement in the Indian solar market (read the October 2014 edition of the India Solar Compass). Last week, Rajasthan notified that it is looking to revamp its solar policy to achieve 25 GW of solar capacity in five years (


Coming up: an electricity shock to Maharashtra’s industries

06 October 2014 | BRIDGE TO INDIA

In January 2014, the Congress led government of Maharashtra (GoM) issued a subsidy of INR 1.60/kWh on industrial electricity tariffs to compensate for a tariff hike approved by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) (refer here). But as the legislative assembly election in...


Weekly update : India to seek US technology and finance assistance for 100 GW solar program

30 September 2014 | BRIDGE TO INDIA

Following the U.N. climate week, India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, is meeting US President Barack Obama on the 29th and 30th September 2014. According to reports (refer), one of the items on the agenda is...


Cost of solar for residential sector could be as low as INR 10/kWh

25 September 2014 | Mudit Jain

The residential rooftop solar market in India has a huge potential customer base. The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is currently in the range of INR 10/kWh to 13/kWh. This is still much higher than the (subsidized) tariffs paid by households. But the two figures are rapidly moving towards convergence. For further details, please refer to ‘India Solar Decision Brief’ titled- “India’s...


Bridge To India

Intentional islanding functionality of solar PV inverters – what it is and why it can help the Indian grid

24 September 2014 | Akhilesh Magal

The current regulations for distributed solar PV generation in India are issued by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA). Currently, the regulations do not allow intentional islanding of inverters. Islanding is a mode of the inverter that allows it to operate independently of the grid. This is frequently used when the grid goes down and one requires the solar system to cater to the local...


Weekly update: Tamil Nadu – an example of how the Indian solar market is stymied in processes

23 September 2014 | BRIDGE TO INDIA

Around this time last year, after a lot of mid-course process changes, quick fixes and haggling, Tamil Nadu’s power generation company TANGEDCO (acting as a process manager) signed power purchase agreements for 708 MW. They had a “workable” tariff of INR 6.48/kWh and a 5% escalation (equivalent to around INR 8.3/kWh on a levelized basis). However, this tariff was rejected by the...


India’s distribution grid is capable of handling up to 30% distributed solar without any upgrades

22 September 2014 | Akhilesh Magal

India is on the verge of a distributed solar PV boom. The total distributed solar capacity in India today stands at only 160 MW. However, BRIDGE TO INDIA predicts that this could reach 2.9 GW by 2018. That’s an 18-fold increase! Is the distribution grid prepared for such a rapid increase?  The current distribution grid was planned for the one-way flow of power i.e. from source to the...


Small rooftop solar systems can generate 4 times the employment than utility scale projects

17 September 2014 | Mudit Jain

Utility scale projects have dominated the solar landscape in India until now. Distributed generation has remained in the backstage. But with net metering guidelines in several states, demand for distributed solar systems will increase. A recent BRIDGE TO INDIA analysis suggests that job creation will be highest in the case of installation of small rooftops. For further details, please refer to...


Bridge To India

Weekly Update: Is India’s National Solar Mission becoming even more ambitious?

16 September 2014 | Jasmeet Khurana

The new government in India is considering revamping the country’s flagship National Solar Mission (NSM) and making it considerably more ambitious. The recently announced draft scheme for solar parks (refer) is only a part...


Realizable solar potential in India is 110 GW to 144 GW by 2024

11 September 2014 | BRIDGE TO INDIA

Today, the contribution of solar to India’s power generation is less than 0.5%. This needs to grow significantly to help meet India’s growing power requirements. A recent BRIDGE TO INDIA analysis suggests that India’s realizable solar potential is 110 GW to 144 GW by 2024. For further details, please refer to ‘India Solar Decision Brief’ titled- “India’s Solar Transformation:...


Delhi announces net-metering regulations

09 September 2014 | BRIDGE TO INDIA

After nearly two years of waiting, Delhi’s net-metering policy is finally in place. Delhiites with solar rooftop systems, will be able to supply excess solar energy to the grid. This will earn them energy credits, which can be adjusted against their electricity bills. On September 2, 2014 the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) announced the “Net Metering for Renewable Energy...


Thin Film modules lose considerable market share in 2014 in India

09 September 2014 | Jyoti Gulia

According to BRIDGE TO INDIA’s latest publication, the India Solar Map 2014 (download here), only about 4% of the capacity installed in 2014 (until August 2014) in India has used thin-film modules. This accounts for 18 MW of the 446 MW installed until now (depicted in the figure below). During 2011-13, the market...


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